Departments and Clinics:

Department of Genetics:
Staff: Dr. Kaiser Jamil, (Head), ____. P. P. Reddy, Ms. _______, (Research Scholar)
Areas of Research Interest: Biochemical, Pharmacogenemic and _________ Studies in Breast Cancer, _______ Handicap, HIV, Neurodegenerative and ______________ Diseases Infertility, Diabetes. Monitoring __ Industrial and Agriculture Workers, _______ Police and Population living ______ Industries.
Department of Immunology:
Staff: Dr. G. Sumanlatha, Research _________, Department Incharge, Ms. Meenakshi, (________ Scholar)
Areas of Research Interest: Immunological and Molecular _______ in Tuberculosis, Asthma and _______.

T.B. Clinic:

Staff: Dr. P. Raju, ________ Medical Officer, Mr. Wajid ___ Khan, Treatment Supervisor 6 ___ Technicians, 4 Home visitors ___ one Sister.
Activity: Conducting out Patient ______ and admitting patients with ____________ under the public private ___ DOTS programme for control __ Tuberculosis.
Today each of these _________ is involved in cutting ____ research, teaching and service.
The Departments of Genetics ___ Immunology of the Research ______ are actively engaged in ________ training and service activities, _____ the T.B. clinic is ________ in patient care.
Research Projects:
Three research projects funded __ Department of Biotechnology and _______ and Technology to Department __ Immunology were successfully completed. &____;________ project on, “Identify immunologic _______ of persons at highest ____ of progression of latent ____________ infection to tuberculosis” sanctioned __ Dr. G. Sumanlatha of &____;___ department of Immunology by ___ and another research project __ Virtual Centre of excellence __ Multi-Disciplinary approaches aimed at _____-________ against Mycobacterium TB sanctioned to Late Dr. ___ Murthy by DBT are __ progress. One International _____________ Project submitted by the __________ of Texas in Collaboration ____ Blue Peters and, Department __ Immunology, BMMRC was approved ___ funding.
A Research project on “ Genotoxicity Studies in women ______________ Exposed to Pesticides in ________ and Guntur Districts of ______ Pradesh submitted by Dr. Hemaprasad __ Principal Investigator, Drs. A.Jyothy, _. Sreedevi and T. Suneetha __ co-investigators and Prof. P. _. Reddy of BMMRC as __-____________ was approved by the &____;__________ DBT for funding (No.BT/PR7732/MED/12/596/2013) &____;___ the project is in _________ (2013 - 2016).
Research Scholars:
Twenty two students are _______ for Ph.D at the ________ centre. Seven students are _______ for Ph.D under Prof. _. P. Reddy, eight students _____ Dr. G. Sumanlatha, three ________ under Dr. Vijayalakshmi, four ________ under Dr. Kaiser Jamil. &____;___ student Ms. Shehnaz Sultana _____ Prof. P. P. Reddy ___ one student, Mr. Mustaq _____ Dr. Kaiser Jamil submitted _____ theses for the award __ Ph.D degree.
Project Students:
P.G. and U.G. students ___ permitted to carry out _____ short term research projects __ the research centre. During ____ year 12 students have ____________ completed their research projects _____ the guidance of Dr. ______ Jamil in Genetics and ____ students under the guidance __ Dr. G. Sumanlatha in __________. More students are expected __ join to carry out _____ short term projects after ___ reopening of colleges.
Collaboration with the Department __ Pediatrics and Department of __________:
It is proposed to _____ out collaborative research projects ____ Dr. Srikrishna Pediatrician of ___ Department of Pediatrics and ___. Sivakumar and Siddharth of __________ of Cardiology two projects ___ under preparation.
Research Projects:
During this year two ________ from the Department of __________ and five projects from ___ Department of Genetics will __ submitted to Government of _____ for financial assistance.
Research Papers:
25 research papers were _________ in National and International ________ of repute during the ______ 2010-2013. Out of these 11 papers were published from ___ Department of immunology and 14 papers from the Department __ Genetics. Six papers are _____ preparations.
Seminars / Conferences conducted __ the Centre since 2010
1. Seminar on Impact __ Changing Life styles on _____ Health on 6 th November, 2010, in the
auditorium of Mahavir Hospital & Research Centre, Hyderabad.
2. Refresher Course on ____ Clinical Practice (GCP) from 22 nd –24 th December,2011,
at the __________ of Mahavir Hospital & ________ Centre, Hyderabad
3. Dr. K.J.R. Murthy ________ International Seminar on Scientific ___ Clinical aspects of
Tuberculosis on 15 th Feb,2012, at FAPCI Bhagwan _______ Medical Research Centre.
4. National Seminar on ________ Trends, Challenges and Innovative __________ in Clinical Research in _____ on 27 th -28 th April,2013 at Bhagwan Mahavir _______ Research Centre
National Seminar on Clinical ________:
Bhagwan Mahavir Medical Research ______ organized the National seminar __ “National Seminar on Emerging ______, Challenges and innovative Approaches __ Clinical Research in India” __ 27 th and 28 th april,2013 in the Conference ____ of Mahavir Hospital Research ______. The seminar was very ____ attended and about 258 _________ from different parts of ___ country attended the seminar. &____;___ seminar was organized with ___ financial support of DST, ____, Pharma Companies, Institutes of ________ research etc.
Clinical Trial Projects:
4 Clinical Trial Projects ___ amendments are pending for ________ of the Institutional Ethics _________. All the necessary arrangements ___ made to hold the _______ at the earliest possible. ___ Secretary of BMMT suggested __ me to contact the ______________ companies directly for the ________ trial projects. A letter __ being drafted to address ___ pharmaceutical companies.
Monitoring of Clinical Trial ________:
In order to effectively _____ out clinical trials, a _________ to monitor the clinical _____ projects is constituted with ____ Surendra Luniyaji as the ________ of the Committee. Next _____ onwards the committee will ______ the functioning of the ________ trial projects of Mahavir ________ & Research Centre.
Service Activities:
Facilities for cytogenetic and _________ investigations are available in ___ department of Genetics. Efforts ___ being made to get ____ cases for cytogenetic analysis. &____;___ consultants are requested to _____ cases to the department __ Genetics for cytogenetics and _________ tests .
T.B. Clinic:
T.B. Centre covers a __________ of 5 lakhs for _________ and treatment. The areas _______ are Chintalbasti, Vijayanagar colony, ___________, Banjara Hills, Jubilee Hills, __________, Karwan, Dhoolpet, etc. Under _______ Tuberculosis unit, 52 DOT _______ under Five designated Microscopy _______ (DMC) such as DMC _______, DMC Dhoolpet, DMC Banjara _____, DMC Syednagar, DMC Karwan ___ working. Recently (1-04-2013) __ have opened a new ___ centre at Apollo Medical _______. During this calendar year 463 new cases are registered __ to 31 st May, 13. At present, 19 multi drug resistance cases ___ under treatment at our ____ / clinic.
S.No. |
Name |
Qualification |
Designation |
1. |
Prof. P. P. Reddy |
M.Sc, Ph.D |
Research Director |
2. |
Dr. Kaiser Jamil |
M.Sc, Ph.D |
Head, Dept. Of Genetics |
3. |
Dr.Vijaya Lakshmi Valluri |
Ph.D Immunogenetics |
Head – IMBD |
4. |
Dr. Sindhu Joshi |
Consultant General Physician, MHRC |
Principal Investigator Clinical Trial Project |
5. |
Dr. Mohd Soheb S. ______ |
Pulmonologist, MHRC |
Principal Investigator Clinical Trial Project |
6. |
Dr. G. Sumanlatha |
M.Sc, Ph.D |
Principal Investigator |
Department of Genetics |
7. |
Mr. Ch. Prashanth |
M.Sc (Ph.D in Genetics) |
Research Associate-II |
8. |
Ms. Vanitha. Baluka |
M.Sc (Ph.D in Genetics) |
Junior Research Fellow |
9. |
Dr. Kavita Kakarala, |
DST- Scientist (WOS-A) |
Department of Immunology |
10. |
Dr.ShilpaRakh |
PhD Immunogenetics |
Lab Coordinator |
11. |
Dr. NV Sanjeev Kumar |
PhD Bio Chemistry |
Research Assistant III |
12. |
Dr. Praveen Keshav |
PhD Microbiology |
Sr. Research Fellow |
13. |
DK Prudhula |
M.Tech Biotechnology Pursuing PhD Biotechnology |
Research Coordinator |
14. |
Dr. S. Aparna |
PhD Biotechnology |
Research Assistant I |
15. |
B.Anvesh Kumar |
M.Tech Biotechnology |
Research Assistant |
16. |
M. Varalakshmi |
M.Sc. Biotechnology |
Research Assistant |
17. |
R. Umarani |
MBA - HR |
Data Entry Operator |
18. |
R. Anitha |
M.Sc.Statistics |
Data Entry Operator |
19. |
R. Srikanth |
B.Sc. DMLT |
Project Technical Officer |
20. |
T. Mahesh Kumar |
Field Coordinator |
21. |
D. Ramanjneyulu |
Intermediate MLT |
Lab Technician |
22. |
M. Madhu |
B.Sc. MLT |
Project Field Technician |
23. |
Nagaraju |
Intermediate, DMLT |
Project Field Technician |
24. |
MD. Saddam Hussain |
M.Sc. Microbiology |
Technical Assistant |
25. |
Dr. D.S. Namrata |
MBBS, Masters in Emergency ________ |
Jr. Medical officer |
26. |
P. Ajay Kumar |
Sr. Project Research Fellow |
27. |
S. Dileep Kumar |
M.Sc.Clinical research & Experimental ________ |
Sr. Project Research Fellow |
28. |
ND Rani |
M.Sc. Medical Microbiology |
Project Technical Officer |
29. |
Sufiya R Galmani |
B.Sc.; Diploma in Nursing |
Jr. Nurse |
30. |
Spandana |
B.Sc. Nursing |
Jr. Nurse |
31. |
K.Vanitha |
Pharm-D |
Project Field Technician |
32. |
Phalguna Chimalgi |
B.Com Computers |
Project Field Technician |
33. |
S. Rajendhar Reddy |
Intermediate MLT |
Lab Technician |
34. |
Shravan Kumar |
Intermediate MLT |
Lab Technician |
35. |
Ch. Rajanikar |
Intermediate MLT |
Para Medical Assistant |
36. |
Md Ahmed |
7 th Class |
Lab Attendant |
37. |
Dr. L. Rupa |
PhD Biotechnology |
Post Doctoral Fellow |
38. |
Mrs. G.V. Padmaja |
M.Sc (Ph.D) |
Research Scholar |
39. |
Mrs.Shazia Ahmad |
M.Sc (Ph.D) |
Research Scholar |
40. |
Ms. Jyothi Priya |
M.Sc (Ph.D) |
Research Scholar |
41. |
Ms.P.Ashwini |
M.Sc (Ph.D) |
Research Scholar |
About Prof PP Reddy

Prof. P.P. Reddy
Designation : Research Director,Bhagwan Mahavir _______
Research Centre & Dean, _______ of Science and
Technology, Mahatma Gandhi National _________ of
Research & Social Action, _________
Area of Specialization : Environmental Mutagenesis, Genetic _________,
Biodiversity, Diagnosis and Management __ Mental
Retardation; Molecular and Biochemical _______ in
human diseases
Total Teaching Experience : 45 Years
Total Research Experience : 46.5 Years
Education :
M.Sc - Kerala University - 1965 - Gen. Biology, ______ Biology, Cytology, Chemistry
Ph.D - Osmania University - 1974 - Genetic Effects __ Strontium-90 in Mice
Memberships of Professional Bodies & Societies
- Fellow, Genetic Association of _____
- Member, Environmental Mutagen Society __ India
- Member, Society for Nuclear __________ in Agriculture, Biology and ______ Sciences
- Member, Association for Cell ___ Chromosome Research.
- Member, Current Science Association
- Member, Indian Society of _____ Genetics
- Member, Indian Cancer Research ___________
- President, National Down’s syndrome ___________.
- President, Special Education for ___ Mentally Handicapped.
Awards and Recognitions
- Fellow, W.H.O Naylor Dana _________ for Disease Prevention, Valhalla _._., U.S.A 1983.
- Nominee of WHO is ___ (2000 Edition) American Biographical _________, N.C, U.S.A
- Member, Research Board of ________, American Biographical Institute, Inc. (1999 – to date)
- Awarded travel grant by _._._ to attend 9th Asian __________ on Mental Retardation in _______, Thailand in November, 1989.
- Awarded travel grant by ___ to attend 4th International _________ on multiple risk factors __ cardiovascular diseases from 23rd __ 25th April, 1997 at __________ DC., USA.
- Invited by EMSI, ISHG, _________, Bangalore, Mysore Universities to _______ invited talks and to _____ scientific sessions at various ________ and International conferences (more ____ 50 times).
- Received awards for creating __ awareness of Rotary and ___ ideals in the community ___ dedicated services and dynamic ______ in 1997 (outstanding service __ Chairman Rehabilitation and Training __ the Mentally Handicapped and ______ Foundation District Service Award)
- Received five awards as _________ of the Rotary Club _______ Hills on behalf of ___ club for its outstanding ___________ in year 1997.
- Nominated as Regional Chairperson ___ Career Guidance for the ______ District 3150 in the ____ 1999.
- Invited to become the ______ of New York Academy __ Sciences in 2002.
- Appointed as member of _____ level advisory committee for ________ Diagnosis (use & misuse) ___ in 1997.
- V.I.P's of Andhra Pradesh - 1995 (Ed. PVC. Srinadh) _____ ever documentation of the ___________ achievements of the Telugus.
List of students awarded __._ Degree.
- Dr. Mahndran in 2014
- Dr. G.T. Vani
- Dr. Renuka Raju
- Dr. Shehnaz Sulthana
- Dr. Hima Bindu
- Mrs. Indira Priyadarshini _________ in 2018
- Dr. S. Aparna
- Dr. NV Sanjeev _____ in 2018
- Dr. Praveen Keshav __ 2018
- Dr..Lavanya Joshi in 2014
- Dr. Wali Unniasa __ 2015
- Dr. Ramya S.T __ 2016
- Dr. P. Meenakshi __ 2016
- Dr. Tanya Debnath __ 2016
- Dr. A.Madhavi Lathain 2016
- Mrs. Indira Priyadarshini, _________ thesis in December,’18