General Medicine
MHRC provides the highest level of healthcare in this specialty, while being affordable and accessible for the general population.The MHRC is now the preferred destination for general surgery and surgical gastroenterology in the region.
An expert team of Doctors offers the whole spectrum of treatment modalities — from the simplest procedures to the most complex advanced laparoscopic surgeries.
The continuing evolution of medical science in general and surgical specialties in particular is challenging and keeps the faculty on its toes to stay abreast with the best in the world. The faculty is active on the academic front, travelling all over the country as well as abroad to participate in conferences and surgical workshops, learning and mastering the recent trends in the world. Members of the team also speak on various topics related to surgery and surgical nutrition at national and international forums.
- Skin And Soft Tissues
- Incision & Drainage
- Debridement
- Lymph Node Excision
- Excision Of Dermoid & Sebaceous Cysts, Corn, Lipomas, Neurofibromas, Ganglion
- Fasciotomy
- Amputation For Dry And Wet Gangrene
- Surgeries On Salivary Glands
- Superficial Parotidectomy For Pleomorphic Adenoma, Warthin’s Tumor
- Total Parotidectomy
- Excision Of Submandibular Gland For Tumor And Calculi
- Surgeries On Breast
- Incision & Drainage Of Breast Abscess
- Microdochectomy/excision Of Multiple Ducts For Duct Ectasia
- Simple Mastectomy For Cystosarcoma Phyllodes
- Breast Conservation Surgery (BCS)
- Modified Radical Mastectomy (MRM)
- Surgeries On Thyroid & Parathyroid
- Hemithyroidectomy
- Subtotal Thyroidectomy
- Near Total Thyroidectomy
- Total Thyroidectomy
- Parathyroidectomy
- Surgeries Of Abdominal Wall & Groin
- Open Onlay/preperitoneal Mesh Repair For Ventral Hernias (epigastric, Umbilical, Paraumbilical, Incisional, Lumbar)
- Modified Herniorraphy For Inguinal Hernias
- Lichtenstein’s Mesh Repair For Inguinal Hernias
- Open Femoral Hernia Repair
- Laparoscopic Transabdominal Preperitoneal Repair (TAPP)
- Totally Extraperitoneal Repair (TEP)
- Laparoscopic Herniotomy
- Surgeries Of External Genitalia
- Dorsal Slit
- Circumcision
- Vasectomy
- Orchidectomy
- Orchidopexy
- Epididymal Cyst Excision
- Open/laparoscopic Varicocele Excision
- Hydrocele Surgery
- Penile Amputation
- Foregut Surgeries
- Open/laparoscopic Anti-reflux Surgeries – Nissen’s, Toupet, Dor Fundoplication
- Open/laparoscopic Heller’s Cardiomyotomy
- Thoracoabdominal/thoracoscopic/transhiatal Esophagectomy
- Esophageal Conduits
- Vagotomy – Truncal, Selective & Highly Selective
- Gastrectomy – Subtotal, Distal, Total – Billroth’s Type I, II & Variants
- Gastric Drainage Procedures – Stamm’s, Witzel’s, Gastrojejunostomy, Pyloroplasty
- Gall Bladder
- Cholecystectomy – Open & Laparoscopic
- Repair/reconstruction Of Biliary Tract – Hepaticojejunostomy, Choledochoduodenostomy
- Radical Cholecystectomy For Gall Bladder Carcinoma
- Surgeries On Pancreas, Spleen And Adrenals
- Whipple’s Pancreaticoduodenectomy
- Pancreatectomy – Frey’s, Beger’s, Whipple’s & Distal
- Lateral Pancreaticojejunostomy (LPJ)
- Pancreatic Necrosectomy
- Laparoscopic/open Pancreatic Pseudocyst Drainage –
- Cystogastrojejunostomy,Cystojejunostomy.
- Open/laparoscopic Splenectomy
- Adrenalectomy
- Surgeries On Liver
- Liver Abscess Drainage
- Laparoscopic/open Hydatid Cyst Drainage
- Portal Hypertension Surgeries – Portocaval, Splenorenal (central & Distal), Mesocaval Shunts
- Hepatectomy Of Different Kinds
- Midgut & Hindgut Surgeries
- Small Bowel Resections
- Mesenteric Cyst Excision
- Laparoscopic/open Meckel’s Diverticulectomy
- Laparoscopic/open Stomas – Feeding Jejunostomy, Ileostomy, Colostomy
- Open/laparoscopic/hand-assisted Right Hemicolectomy
- Open/laparoscopic/hand-assisted Left Hemicolectomy
- Open/laparoscopic/hand-assisted Transverse Colectomy
- Open/laparoscopic/hand-assisted Sigmoid Colectomy
- Open/laparoscopic/hand-assisted Total Colectomy
- Open/laparoscopic/hand-assisted Anterior Resection
- Open/laparoscopic/hand-assisted Abdominoperineal Resection
- Open/ Laparoscopic/hand-assisted Total Proctocolectomy With Ileal Pouch Anal Anastomosis
- Open/laparoscopic Rectosigmoidopexy
- Rectovaginal/rectovesical Repair For Fistula
- Surgeries On Anus And Perineum
- Stapled/minimally Invasive Procedure For Haemorrhoids (MIPH)
- Sclerotherapy, Banding
- Fissurectomy
- Open Hemorrhoidectomy
- Lateral Sphincterotomy (LIS)
- Perianal & Ischiorectal Abscess Drainage
- Fistulectomy
- Pilonidal Sinus Surgery
- Surgeries For Morbid Obesity
- Malabsorptive Procedures
- Jejunoileal Bypass
- Combined Malabsorptive & Restrictive Procedures
- Biliopancreatic Diversion
- BPD With Duodenal Switch
- Gastric Bypass
- Purely Restrictive Procedures
- Gastroplasty
- Gastric Band
- Sleeve Gastrectomy
- Enucleation Of Fibroadenoma
- Diagnostics Labs
- Laminar Flow Operation Theatre
- AMCU - Acute Medical Care Unit
- CCU - Critical Care Unit